关键词:市场营销 营销模式 会所 金楠汇
ABSTRACT:With the development of economy, people's consumption level is improving, full of beautiful things in eyes various entertainment consumption on society. Chamber type is varied, including personality club, professional club, the club. At the same time, under the impetus of the social demand and competition, all kinds of clubs are also struggling to innovation and improve their business model. Today's market competition is not only the ability of competition, talent competition, the strength of competition, competition is also a marketing model. In the face of today's social market, Jin Nan remit club how to stand out in so many competitors, a set of effective marketing model is that we need to solve the problems in the research of this subject.
Jin Nan remit club marketing mode analysis mainly includes: introduction to the clubhouse overall situation, the macro environment on the impact of it, analyses the Jin Nan club's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, learns Jin Nan club market competitiveness. Through marketing strategy of Jin Nan remit club and club marketing mode analysis, discovers the problems put forward countermeasures and Suggestions, these are the subject needs to be done .
Key words: Marketing mode of marketing club Jin Nan remit