关键词:《11度青春系列电影》; 新媒体短片; 视觉节奏
Abstract:<The bright eleven> is a series of short films of the same theme of the Chinese Internet history a top professional production. According to the Youku official data, as of the end of April 2012, the total play amount has more than ten million times. With fiery, film and television workers and video production enthusiasts grasp of new media video visual rhythm is also increased attention. In this paper, from the planning stage, the mid-shoot and post-production tripartite face of the visual rhythm of <The bright eleven> to conduct comprehensive research, claritythese 11 short films in the visual rhythm of success points and the point of failure to parse the new media clipsthe visual rhythm of the new features and requirements, and attempted to solve the problem "how to better deal with new media video visual rhythm".
Key words: <The bright eleven> New media clips Visual rhythm