关键词:社交媒体 招聘渠道 企业招聘 特点 分析
ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of the Internet, the Internet impact in people's lives, along with the development of the Internet, information society walks into the era of Web2.0, social media was born. Social media rapid transfer of information, covering a wide range, choose characteristics, sought after by the majority of users, a boom of social media on a global scale, such as the one shaking Jutal swept from. Meanwhile, traditional recruitment models slowly to keep up with the pace of the times, social media and recruitment come together. Study on the relationship between social media and recruitment through, understand social media recruitment features, impact of social media on business recruitment, and more.
This main points five Department points, first Department points introduction, main research topics background, and both at home and abroad research status, and research purpose and meaning and research thought; second part on social media for meaning of defined and for people life effect of overview; third Department is divided into focus, description social media and Enterprise recruitment of relationship, came main conclusions is enterprise recruitment channel one of, and and enterprise other recruitment contrast, came features. Part IV of article, analyse the situation and characteristics of domestic and foreign social media recruitment; part v are the most important, according to the current situation and characteristics of domestic and foreign social media recruitment, analysis of pros and cons of social media for business recruitment, and to make appropriate improvements.
Keywords: Social media Recruiting channels Enterprise recruitment Features Analysis