关键字:中小企业 招聘管理 人力资源
ABSTRACT:Recruitment of human resources management is the prerequisite and foundation, it is able to add fresh blood for the enterprise, access to talent, in order to achieve corporate strategic goals, in order to smooth recruitment exercise, then you need an effective HR recruitment management. However, in most of today's small and medium enterprises in the recruitment of management that many problems exist, the system is imperfect, the enterprises themselves do not pay attention, and many other factors led to the recruitment effect is not ideal, to human resource management work pose a very great difficulties. In the increasingly fierce market competition, SMEs in order to stand out you need to manage the recruitment of human resources management as a focus of the work. Therefore, to explore SME recruitment management, recruitment management found that SMEs in the problems, which is the development of SMEs is important. Theoretical basis for this project from the recruitment, recruitment management SME status, recruitment management problems as well as solutions for SME recruitment management research and analysis, and then to Hong Rui property management companies as case studies, to draw some conclusions and recommendations, thereby increasing the effectiveness of SME recruitment management, recruitment management to SMEs to provide some reference.
Keywords: SME recruitment management of human resources