关键词:招聘 招聘渠道 招聘有效性 人才流失
ABSTRACT:In the 21st century, many enterprises rapid development. For enterprises, talent is the core competitiveness. Whether companies can sustainable development in the future, in an impregnable position in the market main strength lies in the talented person. Talent comes from recruitment, enterprise through a variety of recruitment channels to hire talented people, but in the employees also have varying degrees of loss, because many companies don't have combined with the actual situation of enterprise itself, although opted for a variety of recruitment channels, but is still facing a brain drain problem. Adopted empirical analysis methods, this paper introduces the recruitment channels related concept, the advantages and disadvantages to at home and abroad, the factors influencing enterprise choose the recruitment channels, and the present situation of using recruitment channels, and through analyzing the current situation of AB company recruitment, put forward the problems of AB company in terms of choice of recruitment channels, to further clarification of these issues, and to reduce the enterprise brain drain to improve recruitment channel effectiveness to provide advice.
Keywords: recruitment;recruitment channels;recruitment effectiveness;brain drain