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  • 更新时间:2014-05-07
  • 论文字数:14087
  • 当前位置论文阅览室 > 论文模板 > 企业管理 >
  • 课题来源:(禹珊)提供原创文章


摘 要:改革开放以来,市场竞争越发激烈。企业为了能够占据市场份额,纷纷采取各种手段营销自己的产品,市场营销活动也由此产生。公共关系作为市场营销的手段之一,在市场营销中发挥着重要作用。企业通过公关活动保持着与外部公众的密切联系,并使企业被更多的人所知晓。通过赞助,参加公益活动等手段企业能不断增加自身美誉,树立企业良好形象。好的口碑造就高的产品忠诚度,从而保证了企业可观的产品销量,进而确立了企业在市场竞争中的优势地位。相对于其他营销方式,公共关系更多的注重企业与用户的沟通,引导公众对产品树立正面认知,从而促进产品销售。公共关系营销是以企业长远发展为目标的,短期内很难看到直观的效果。



ABSTRACT:In the past several years,the marketing competition has became more and more fierce.In order to get a high market share, all the companies has taken different kinds of ways to promote their products.The subject of marketing management is created under this background.As the important part of marketing management,public relation is very effective for promoting products.The enterprise often use the tool of public relation activities to keep in touch with the public.The company can increase their reputation buy several ways such as sponsoring ,taking part in public welfare activities and so on .Good comments leads to good sales,then the enterprise can get the lead place of the marketing.Comparing to the other tools for marketing management,public relation pays more attention to negotitate with the consumers.It can make consumers have good impressions of the products.Buy the way,the effect of public relation can not be seen in a short time.But it can help the company to achiece the long-term goal.

Keywords: Public Relation; marketing management; corporate image; market share