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  • 更新时间:2014-05-12
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Abstract: The recurrence relation is a common variation in discrete variables. Mathematically, the recurrence relation is the differential equation, which not only plays an important role in many branches of mathematics such as portfolio, probability, geometry, matrix, but also its unique charm, such as in the field of information science. Therefore, the exploration of the recurrence relation of a subject of considerable practical significance.

   In this paper,  we first simply discuss the general solution of linear recurrence relation definition, which gives constant coefficient linear recurrence relations with constant coefficients the general solution of the nonhomogeneous linear recurrence relation structure. Secondly, commonly used iterative method for solving linear recurrence relations, induction, eigenvalue method, a variety of methods of matrix-vector method and generating function method and two examples to be Analysis of the applicability of the various methods . Finally, an example to illustrate the application of probability, determinants, linear array, dyeing and other issues recurrence relations.

Key words:generating function; recurrence relations; eigenvalue method; particular solution; iterative method; eigenvector.