摘要:科技的日新月异与群众收入的增加,加上护发类日用品护理意识的抬头与现代女性经济独立自主,人们开始追求休闲、养生、护发及瘦身等风潮,护肤品行业竞争白热化。如何掌握住消费者的消费需求,如何让消费者满意并使之成为忠诚客户日益受到企业关注。企业必须依照不同客户的特征,加强营销策略,才能在这场激烈的竞争杀出一条胜利之路,使公司获得更多的市场份额。本研究目的是针对拉芳洗发水进行 STP 分析,拟定有效的营销策略及建议,进而提供国内日用品公司日后经营管理的参考依据。本文首先通过对国内外相关文献、相关理论的梳理和概括,确定了研究内容和研究方法。其次对拉芳洗发水的营销现状进行分析,通过SWOT分析出拉芳洗发水存在的一些问题。然后通过发放调查问卷,问卷数据分析以及网上拉芳相关资料分析出拉芳洗发水的细分市场,目标市场和产品定位。最后根据以上分析为拉芳洗发水提出了几条营销策略。
关键字 拉芳洗发水;STP分析;营销策略
Abstract:With the rapid development of the technology and increase of the people’s income, along with the modern women’s independent economic and beauty care consciousness, people began the pursuit of trends like leisure, health, slimming and hair care, etc. Competition in skin care products industry is heating up. How to grasp the customers’ demands, How to satisfy the customers and make them become loyal are receiving enterprises’ more and more attention. Enterprise can’t success and get more market share in this fierce battlefield before it strengthen the marketing strategy according to the characteristics of the customer. The paper try to use STP as a tool to do analysis on LaFang shampoo, and then give out effective marketing strategy and advice. And this will be helpful reference to domestic products company’s management marketing decision-making. Firstly, through combing and summary of the related theory at home and abroad, the paper’s content and research methods are determined . Secondly, this paper analyses the marketing situation of Lafang shampoo and some problems will be found through the SWOT analysis.Then using questionnaires, data analysis and related data online of Lafang shampoo to find its market segmentation,market targeting and market positioning. Finally, according to the above analysis, the paper puts forward some marketing strategies for Lafang Shampoo.
Keywords LaFang Shampoo; STP Strategy; Marketing Strategy