关键词:建筑承建商 竞争 建设
ABSTRACT:The current domestic housing construction, municipal, water, roads, bridges and other demand remains strong, therefore has a large number of building contractor. In order to get more market share in the construction market, requires building entrepreneurs and constantly improve the level of management, the establishment of enterprises in the public's confidence in their own ability, expand the brand influence.
This article analyses the present situation of domestic construction market, with foreign construction industry in the construction period, the competition model, technological innovation is a simple comparison, puts forward the existing management and backward, competition organization and the mode of the traditional enterprise culture is not distinct, and other outstanding issues now domestic construction industry. Finally, in terms of management awareness, brand concept, construction labor management, talents and information construction, and puts forward some suggestions. This paper aims to provide a basic to improve the competitive ability of ideas for the domestic construction contractors, hope enterprises to realize their own worthwhile improvements, expanding space in progress, construction quality, customer satisfaction, brand influence can be in the leading level, the end can make more domestic building contractors in the international market to shine.
Keywords: building contractors domestic;competition;way