关键词:事业单位 养老保险制度 改革
Abstract:Currently, institutions, pension insurance system is facing serious challenges, such as civil servants involved in the cause of fairness, the corresponding measures is imperfect, inadequate laws and regulations, so to overcome the difficulties of the pension system reform of institutions without delay.This article first by understanding the cause of old-age insurance system in the background and current status of reform, and institutions of our pension system problems to undertake a comprehensive analysis, and finally made feasible countermeasures and programs, trying through these discussions to deepen social protection theory of meaning, and is able to reform the pension system and institutions learn to play the role of the practice.
Keywords:Institutions;Pension insurance system;Reform
我国事业单位养老保险是整个社会保障体系中的一个重要组成部分, 事业单位养老保险制度的改革关系到整个社会保障制度的健康发展。因此,它的改革是符合历史趋势的,也是刻不容缓的。但是,我国事业单位养老保险制度的改革仍处于探索期,面临着许多的实际问题,改革的进程工作不可能在短期内一蹴而就,建立社会和谐的养老保险制度更是一个漫长的过程。但是无论我们怎么改革,都应该充分考虑到利益相关者的利益需求,本着既立足于眼前又放眼于未来的准则,在原有制度的基础上,不断修正和完善法律法规,积极推进事业单位养老保险制度的改革,循序渐进,开拓进取,推动我国事业单位养老保险制度改革的平稳推进,使其顺利地进行下去。