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  • 更新时间:2013-12-01
  • 论文字数:9937
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关键词: 人民币升值,汇率,家具行业,对策


Abstract:Since 2007, China's economic life is the most common word "appreciation of the RMB" Revaluation of foreign exchange rate is refers to the increase. Per unit of RMB exchange for more money in other countries, we are referring mainly refers to the exchange rate of RMB and major world currency parity between the dollar.

   With the continuous appreciation of the RMB, China's export-oriented economy would be affected; the furniture industry is one of them. Since 2008, by the RMB appreciation, rising labor costs, raw material prices, and many other factors, furniture exports fell more than 60%. Suddenly slump furniture industry, the situation is grim. This revaluation of the RMB in the context of the status quo of China's furniture industry, combined with China' actual development of how to deal with China's furniture industry faces enormous challenges. 

Key Words:Appreciation of the RMB, The exchange rate,Furniture industry,Countermeasure


