【摘要 】改革开放二十多年来,我国慈善事业蓬勃兴起,越来越多的个人和团体组织参与慈善事业,善款金额逐年增加,慈善组织发展日趋成熟,人们对慈善事业的关注度也越来越高。但总体看来,我国目前慈善捐赠状况不尽人意,仍存在种种问题。本文通过当今市场经济条件下,中国慈善事业发展现状的研究分析,总结阐述了目前中国慈善事业发展存在的相关问题,同时就这此问题结合市场经济发展的大背景,分析了我国慈善事业的发展走向,并提出了对慈善事业发展的对策建议。
【关键词】慈善事业 市场经济 发展
Abstract: As reforming and opening up for twenty years, China's charities are rising up that more and more individuals and groups involved in and more and more money been raised, also more and more people pay more attention to the charity, But overall still happen several problems. In this essay, according to development status and China charity ,will analyze the existing related problem and the trend of charity in China ,also put forward suggestions.
Keywords: Charity Market economy development