关键字:保安市场 现状 困境 差距 对策
Abstract: Security industry monopolized by the nation has been to maintain a positive and open state since 1984. After almost 30 years of development, the scale of security market has expanded to hundreds of billions. However, the analysis shows that security industry in China could not make respectable incursions into prosperous markets. This essay is divided into 4 chapters: Chapter 1 focuses on the economic performance of security industry and the basic situation of employees. Chapter 2 mainly analyses predicament of security industry, and the following explicit and potential problems. Chapter 3 take the security industry in America and Japan as examples, where the gaps of security industry between China and abroad are especially pronounced. Some corresponding countermeasures are suggested in Chapter 4.
Key words: Security Market; dilemma; countermeasure
目前,我国保安行业的服务范围有保安派驻、保安管理、保安督察、保安服装、保安器械、消防器材、保安培训、防盗(监控)报警系统。服务范围也已经由国家机关、企事业单位扩大到工厂,娱乐场所、花园、小区、体育场馆、旅游景点、车站,码头、展览馆等 [ 国务院《保安服务管理条例》[S],2009年],只要是人流大的地方,都离不开保安队伍。