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   在众多兴起的民营传媒影视公司中,虽然大多数都因各种原因萧条,但在这之中,也有一小部分民营电视得到了很好的发展,像最广为人知的“光线传媒”就是其中之一。从1998年发展至今,“光线传媒”凭借着自身努力几乎不可否认的成为了中国民营传媒影视公司发展的一面旗帜,从成立以来 “光线传媒”的迅猛发展有目共睹。


关键词:光线传媒  民营传媒  发展模式


Abstract:Private Television Companies has been emerged since 1990s. However, because of their deficiencies and remaining stuck with the pressure from foreign media, many private television companies were underdeveloped in such a poor circumstance; besides, some even suffer great depression or recession now. 

   However, among them, there still exists a few ones which have got good development, such as the popular Enlight Media. There is no denying that Enlight Media, serving as a milestone, has developed rapidly since 1998. Under a series of system restriction, in China, private media can only use the entertainment as a breakthrough and seek success with difficulties. But Enlight Media exactly grasp this point, integrating entertainment and media, and then create their own brands with series of developmental patterns. Nowadays, Chinese TV market extends a larger space for private media, which also support them a brilliant future. And to establish more successful private television companies, we can study on the current situation of Chinese TV market. Besides, it is important for us to learn the patterns of development from some excellent and promising enterprises, like Enlight Media. Their success stories are conductive to fill gaps and bring about more prosperity to Chinese TV industry.

Key Words:ENLIGHT MEDIA  Private Television Companies  Patterns of developments