关键词:沪深300 股指期货 证券市场 波动性
Abstract:Stock index futures have become a important trading tool in the capital market. With the launch of stock index futures in our country, the negotiable securities of our country market also produced a certain degree of volatility.
This paper attempts to analyze the stock index futures launched on China securities market volatility influence.I study the example of HS300 stock index futures. Using stock index futures transaction data before and after the launch date to establish model.By empirical analysis,I have a conclusion that HS300 stock index futures launch eased the China securities market fluctuations.The innovation of this paper is HS300 stock index futures in China launched just only one year. HS300 at home and abroad of stock index futures case study is less, the paper studies can be for our country's development of stock index futures offer some policy Suggestions, have certain research significance.But, Due to the HS300 stock index futures launched time is short, this paper not able to HS300 of stock index futures launched on China securities market influence do more in-depth analysis, this paper also needs to be improved and promotion of place.
Keywords :HS300,stock index futures,captical market, volatility