摘 要:当前,我国新型农村金融体系薄弱和农村贷款供给不足,这严重制约了农村经济结构的调整,不利于我国社会主义现代化新农村的建设。要解决新型农村金融机构运行的低效率状态,首先要认清其中存在的问题。
关键词:新型农村金融体系 农村贷款 问题及对策
Abstract:At present, China's new rural financial system is weak and the supply of rural loans is insufficient, seriously constraining and affecting restructuring the rural economy and the socialist modernization. To solve the problem of low efficiency in new-type rural financial institutions, we must understand the existing problems. This paper describes the concept of new rural financial system, analyzes the development and operation status of new-type rural financial institutions in recent years, sums up the problems in the current operation of these institutions, and lists the reasons for these problems. Finally it gives some improvement strategies to improve the efficiency of rural financial system.
Keywords: Rural Finance, Rural loans, Problems and Solutions