摘要:20世纪50 60年代起,我国老一辈的动画艺术家们就创作了许多优秀偶动画作品,例如《曹冲称象》、《阿凡提》、《愚人买履》、《狐狸打猎人》等等,直到今日直到今天还脍炙人口的。同样的,放眼世界,例如《圣诞夜惊魂》 《小鸡快跑》等一批优秀的欧美偶形动画电影为偶形动画电影的发展增光添彩。在这些作品中,每每提起那个黑胡子、头缠包布、骑着小毛驴的阿凡提和那一只戴着围巾聪明而且有胆识母鸡,看过的人们都会忍不住又一次被剧中的人物逗笑。这些鲜活偶形为整个电影增添了不少色彩,而其中的制作工艺与材料也是五花八门的,不同的风格,要求偶形的制作上的工艺也不一样。随着时代发展进步,在偶形制作上人们也与时俱进运用更多的方法以及材料去制作偶形,从各个方面都大大超越了以前带给观众的视觉效果。从而,要通过不同的偶动画电影对偶形的制作进行研究与学习,从而通过自己的学习与总结利用材料自己去实践做一部偶动画短片。
关键词 制作工艺/视觉效果/研究
Abstract:Since 1950s and 1960s, China's old generation of animation artists had created many excellent puppet anime works, such as "Caochong Weigh the Elephant" "the Story of Afanti" “the Fool Bought Shoes”"Fox Hunt Hunter", and so on. Nowadays many of them are still very popular. Meanwhile, "Holidays", "Chicken Run" and a number of outstanding and impressive puppet anime movies also contributed to the development of this kind in worldwide side. Whenever we think of the man who has black beard and headpiece, riding a donkey, or the smart and courageous hen with her muffle, we could not help ourselves bursting into laugh. These fresh and vivid puppets made the movies colorful and lively, and the production process and materials are various. Different styles require different techniques in the process of puppet production. Along with the time development and progress made in my form with the people also use more methods and materials to make accidentally form, from all aspect far beyond the visual effect of brings the audience before. And, through different accidentally animation film dual form production research and study, thus through their own learning and summarizes the material yourself to practice doing a accidentally animated short.
KEY WORDS techniques / visual effect / learning