Abstract:The art of photography is a knowledge that we can find beautiful things and create beautiful things by the special vision and methods。The key is the judgement of the photographer,when we talk about good or bad of an photography。The judgement of the photographer may be one of the most important things when we take a photograph。What things we can do to find the essential things?It is based on casual observation and constantly thinking.It rely on sensitive and judgement to catch the moment。To catch the moment or not is technology question。It is important to let people know what is judgement and it’s value and how to get the judgement。This article tell you what is the instant judgement and it’s value and what we can do to get the instant judgement。If we catch it and use it,we will create the eternal moment。
Key words: instant;judgement;cultivate; achievement
生活是艺术的源泉,一切艺术都来自于生活,真正的艺术家是无法将自己从事的艺术与生活切断的。 同时艺术又是高于生活的,艺术反应的世界比现实世界更具有典型性。对于摄影艺术作品来说,人们不但希望通过它看到现实世界,更希望通过它看到比现实世界更强烈、更优美、更生动的艺术世界。如果摄影作品没有摄影者独具慧眼的敏感、富有想象力的创造以及没有对被摄对象进行有意义的选择与判断,是不可能精彩的。摄影艺术工作者有责任向社会提供有价值的摄影艺术作品,而要完成这个使命就必须让自身具有摄影艺术必备的瞬间判断力,并在摄影艺术的实践中很好地实现这个瞬间判断力。