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摘要:现在的生活,电子产品几乎无处不在,我们大学生又是新新事物的最先接受者。随着电子产业发展迅速,不断更新新的产品,价格因为不断跌落,进而消费者大部分是青年人,其中大学生占据榜首。这样电子产业是大学生生活的必需品。根据国外研究发现98% 的大学生拥有电子产品。 38% 的学生说离开电子产品的时间不能超过十分钟。 27% 的学生说笔记本是书包中最重要的设备。3/4 的学生说没有科技产品无法学习,1/4 的学生以视频播客做为学习资料。 46% 的学生说更乐意看电子版的作业。根据国内研究不用再背沉重的书包,学生只需拿一个“电子书包”就可以去上学,教师可通过电脑批改学生上传的作业;在教室或学校的任何一个角落,都可用iPad“移动学习”;离开校园,也可拿手机温习功课……这样充满科幻气息的场景并不是发生在未来,在国内部分学校都已经成为现实。随着网络、手机、手持平板电脑等智能终端的普及,传统的课堂教学模式也在发生着改变,数字化将成未来校园新方向。



Abstract:The present life, electronic products almost everywhere, we college students is the new new thing first recipients. With the rapid development of electronic industry, and constantly update the new product, the price due to fall, and most consumers are young people, which occupy the top college students. Such electronic industry are college students necessities of life. According to foreign study found that 98% of college students have electronic products. 38% of students said leave electronic products of time can't more than ten minutes. 27% of students said notebook is the most important equipment in the bag. Three-quarters of the students said no technology products can't study, a quarter of the students to video podcast as learning material. 46% of students said more willing to see an operation. According to the domestic research need not again heavy bag back, students just take a "electronic schoolbag" will be able to go to school, the teacher may through correcting the students' homework uploading the computer; In the classroom or school any a corner, iPad can be "mobile learning"; Leave the campus, also can get cell phone, homework...... So full of science fiction breath scene does not happen in the future, in this city and in domestic part of the school have become a reality. As the Internet, mobile phones and holding a tablet computer, the popularity of intelligent terminal, the traditional pattern of classroom teaching also is in produce change, digital campus will be the future new direction. 

Key Words:Commercial display, Human design, Application

