【关键词】环境犯罪 相对严格责任 行为型严格责任 情节型严格责任 结果型严格责任
【Abstract】With the rapid economic and industrial development, environmental pollution is getting worse and worse. While it is deadly difficult during the process of punishing environmental crimes, especially in the aspects of identification of the subjective state of mind due to the specificity of environmental crimes, thus leading to inadequate punishment toward environmental crimes. Therefore, the relatively strict liability should be introduced to the environmental crimes. Relatively strict liability regime consistent with the sin responsibility is the theoretical basis of the system in environmental crimes. While arouses some thinkings: the behavior-based, plot-based and result-based strict liability should be applicable to the environmental crimes.
【Key words】Environmental Crime; Relatively strict liability; Behavior-based strict liability; Plot-based strict liability; Result-based strict liability