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  • 更新时间:2013-10-26
  • 论文字数:12635
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  • 课题来源:(我的美女老师)提供原创文章





Abstract:As international civil and commercial activities has been expanding in a rapid speed , at present a lot of countries not only in their own entity law, but also in the international law begin to pay attention to the special status -- the protection of the weak. Protection the rights of the weak has gained a widely application in the legislation and the judicial practice. But throughout the domestic and international laws in protecting of the weak, some shortages like the narrow range of the objects, the disadvantages of protection method are still existing. Therefore, we should focus more on  substantial justice than formalistic justice, because only doing that can the interest of the weak be maintained, the civil and commercial activities be well development, the highest value of international private law be achieved .So the author strives to analyze the principle of protecting the interest of the weak ,the specific rules in maintain the rights of the weak and the reflection on the private international law in China and so on. We hope that legislators can establish protection the interest of the weak to be a basic principle and set up “the benefit to the weak” as a formula.

Key words:  private international law;the interest of the weak;the reservation of public order

