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摘要:在我国司法实践中,证人不出庭作证、作假证的现象十分突出, 影响了正当诉讼请求的实现和案件事实的认定。因此,使证人必须出庭问题显得更加突出与紧迫。论文主要内容是通过对证人出庭作证制度的分析,为完善我国证人出庭制度提出合理建议。文章由四部分组成,第一部分,阐述了证人出庭制度的意义,说明了证人出庭是实现诉讼任务的有效保证,有利于庭审直接言辞原则的实现和庭审的充分质证。第二部分,论文对我国刑事诉讼证人出庭率低的原因进行分析。第三部分,介绍英美法系和大陆法系对证人出庭作证制度作出的具体规定。第四部分,对如何改革和完善我国证人出庭作证制度问题提出自己的看法。



Abstract:In judicial practice of our country, the witness did not testify in court for the phenomenon of false testimony is very prominent, thus affecting the proper implementation of action requested and facts of the case found; Therefore, the problem of witnesses whether to testify in cour become more prominent and urgent.Papers mainly through the analysis of the witeness testimony system. To improve the China’s  witeness testimony system of putting  forward reasonable proposals. The dissertation is consisted of four chapters.The first part, Described the meaning of  witness testimony system, witness described the task of achieving effective guarantee of the proceedings is conducive to the realization of the direct and word principle and the trial of the cross-examination . The second part, The dissertation analysis the reason of why china's  witness the low rate of. The third part,describes the specific provisions of the civil law and common law . The fourth part, put forward my own opinions about how to reform and improve the witness testimony system in China.

Key  words: appear in court as witness;direct and word principle;testimony