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  • 更新时间:2013-08-25
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  • 课题来源:(致青春郑微)提供原创文章





Abstract:Plea bargaining system,generated in the 19th century,which is a procedure system in order to avoid litigants and other participants in the proceedings of the First Instance tired a long time the pain of judicial resources to maximize savings and improve lawsuit efficiency because of the high crime rate in America and the aggravating reality of criminal long-pending cases. Criminal reconciliation rose at the middle of the 20th century in the West, it is a consensus between offender and victim. It is designed to make the victim obtain damage compensation, the offender obtain a wide rage of understanding and the social order gain restoration. Between the trend of privatizing the public law and publicizing the private law, some elements are absorbed by the public law although it is serious. And the Plea bargaining system and the Criminal reconciliation are the contracts which are showed in the public law. Plea bargaining system and the Criminal reconciliation both have advantages and disadvantages, which reflects the contradiction and unity of various lawsuit value. In view of this situation, this thesis, based on the comparative study of the plea bargaining and the criminal reconciliation, discusses its feasibility in our country, puts forward some suggestions on the legislative system to improve and build on recommendations in order to achieve reconciliation in the criminal system and based on plea bargaining in criminal deeds of the new idea. 

Key words: Plea Bargaining;Criminal Reconciliation;Feasibility;Integration

