Abstract: The problem of unauthorized disposition is singularly complex,also regarding a variety of theories of the legal effect. This article analyze the legal efficiency of unauthorized disposition in the different mode changes in property rights, on the basis of carrying out on the unauthorized disposition of historical research,connotation defined. So as to arrive at the arguemengts about the meaning of unauthorized disposition should be juristic act of bearing liability, and its has become effective juristic act which has escaped from the uncertain effect of juristic, the law should affirm its validity. On the basis of the effective act of bearing liability, combining it with the changing mode of right in rem in the light of the combining credict with formalism, the effect of right in rem in unauthorized disposition will be solved easily. Furthermore, the disposing right and reversals do not affect on validity of juristic act, only on performing contract,which contributes to withdraw exercising the contradictory and puzzling rules of juristic act to right in rem. As a result, the mode of legislation not only is simple and practical but also makes the system of unauthorized disposition harmony with others.
Key words: unauthorized disposition; claims acts; Property changes