关键词:行政诉讼 简易程序 公正 效率
Abstract: Simple program is designed to improve judicial efficiency, optimize the allocation of judicial resources, China's Civil Procedure Law, Criminal Procedure Law has defined summary procedure, but because of the special nature of administrative proceedings and the complexity of our national conditions, date of the Administrative Procedure Law has not yet been made on specific provisions of summary program. Looking at the advanced countries in the legal system, the construction of summary administrative proceedings has become the mainstream problem of judicial reform, especially after joining the WTO, China is being faced with the impact of the world economy wave, what the countries in the world wants to see is a convenient and efficient judicial process ,a considerable part of the international cases within the adjustment range of Administrative Procedure Law are urgent, in order to reduce the unnecessary harm caused by cumbersome procedures, It is imperative to build summary administrative proceedings.
Key words: Administrative Litigation ,Summary,Just,Efficiency