Abstract:The Article 49 of Protection of Consumers Rights and Interests of our country was thought to be the first attempt to introduce punitive damages system in our country. Punitive damages system has established the belief of giving consumers substantial protection; therefore, it has its own significance. Meanwhile, but punitive damages system still had many insufficiencies so it needs us to consider more and promote . This paper will focus on discussing the punitive damages in the Protection of Consumers Rights and Interests, and its main part is divided into four parts. The first part shows it is necessary to promote the development of this system viewing from three perspectives. Second part, I focus on the defects of punitive damages system in Protection of Consumers Rights and Interests and point out the problems existed in our punitive damages of the undefined concept of the consumer and the scope of application is limited in the deliberate fraudulent conduct. Our punitive damages system can not maximize itself also because of its limitation on the amount of compensations, which are two times the cost that the consumers paid for the commodities purchased or services received. Part three it studies relative institution in main countries of Common Law System, the legislative attitude in Civil Law System countries such as German and Japan. And then I propose fine experiences for China to learn. Part four is about how to improve the punitive damages system in the Protection of Consumers Rights and Interests.
Key words: punitive damages system; consumer; fraudulent activities; the amount of damage