关键词:供应链管理 供应商 评价与选择体系 层次分析法
ABSTRACT:Companies began their globalization with the rise of regional economies, the great improvement of communication tools, and the rise of supply chain management form of multinational enterprises . As a result,traditional competition between individual companies has become the competition between supply chains,so companies started to attach importance to cooperation with their suppliers.When a company has excellent supply chain management, making full use of resources of the competitive superiority is good for the increase of profit.It is necessary for a company who want to improve its competitive edge to choose a supplier who meets its requirement .Evaluation and selection of suppliers is most crucial in the management of supply chain.This paper intends to put forward with a set of evaluation and selection method for Company A based on analysis hierarchy process(AHP) by studying some basic ideas and methods of evaluating suppliers.
Keywords:supply chain management;suppliers;evaluation and selection system;analysis hierarchy process(AHP)