关键字:无印良品 重庆市场 营销策略 企业文化
ABSTRACT:Muji is a Japanese "Corporation yield plan" in a subordinate its own brand, has been established for 33 years of development history. During these 30 years, the development of Muji footprints all over the world's major corner, as more consumers recognize and accept. Muji to enter the Chinese market only a short time eight years into the Chongqing market only less than 3 years time, but in China already has nearly 100 stores in Chongqing market has opened six stores, occupying the Southwest market shop half the total. Muji in the Chinese market, even in the Chongqing market has such rapid development in the marketing strategy must have its differences. This paper analyzes the Muji in Japan and overseas markets and the Chinese market development process. Then the macro environment and the micro-environment perspective of the market in Chongqing Muji marketing environment, and from the product strategy, pricing strategy, channel strategy, marketing strategy and other aspects of Muji marketing strategy in Chongqing were analyzed and study and make recommendations, while Muji marketing strategy in Chongqing particularity is also analyzed.
Keywords: Muji market of chongqing marketing strategy corporate culture