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摘 要

当前,汽车市场全球化的竞争日益激烈,中国汽车业呈现出日益强劲的发展态势,中国将成为继美、日之后第三大汽车市场,汽车新产品在中国也将拥有巨大的市场潜力, 近年来李尔公司,德国爱尔铃公司、本特勒公司、海拉公司等世界知名汽车零部件公司相继进入中国市场。在竞争激烈、复杂多变的环境中,如何提高我国国产汽车的新产品开发能力,项目管理技术的应用将起到关键性的作用。项目管理是一门科学,又是一门艺术,更是一种解决问题的系统方法,现在作为一种通用的管理技术已被广泛地应用于军事、航空航天、建筑与土木、信息、医药和软件工程、制造、行政管理和服务等行业,获得了令人瞩目的效率和效益。随着经济的高速发展、竞争的加剧和汽车新产品行业利润的走薄,需要以项目为单元进行精细的计划和控制,即所谓基于项目的企业管理,所以项目管理已经引起了一场企业管理的革命:而项目经理将成为实现企业目标的责任人,而职能经理则变成为项目提供专业工作和监控的服务者。本报告对项目管理技术在汽车新产品开发中的应用全面系统地进行了阐述与研究。本报告以汽车行业新产品开发项目为实际应用对象,在研析现代项目管理的需求目标、概念和技术特点基础上,从方案体系结构设计、各管理子系统单元的规划和控制模型等角度系统地研究现代项目集成管理的方法原理与关键技术,及其在汽车行业新产品开发项目中的应用。




Nowadays, the competition of vehicle market globalisation is becoming increasingly fierce. The Chinese car industry is undergoing strong development ,and is going to be the third biggest car market in the world, following USA and Japan. In China there exists huge market potential for new automotive products. In recent years, The USA Lear Corporation, Germany Albert Bell company, Butler Company , Hella company and some other world-known automotive parts company have joined in the Chinese market gradually. In this fierce-competetion , complicated and variable situation. How to promote our domestic abilities of automotive products development, the application of program management will play an significant role. Program manament is not only a science and an art, but also an sysematic way of problem-solving. As an commonly used management method, program management has been widely used in military, aviation and aerospace, architectural design, information, phamacies and software engineering, manufacture and business administration and service etc, which has achieved great efficiency and benefits. With the highly development of economy, competition and profit margin of automotive parts. There is an need for sophisticated plan and control of program, it programs based on enterprise management. So program management has lead to an enterprise management revolution.Program managers are responsible for achieving goals, while function managers acts as servants,providing professional work and monitor service.This report aims at the systemaic description and study of new automotive products development’s application on program management. This report aims at the study of the automotive products development program. Based on the study and analysis of the pursuing goals of modern program management, concept and technical characteristics, from structure design,the planning of each individual management unit and control moulds to analyse the the working priciple and key techniques of modern program management, particularly its application on new products development progams.

Keywords: New automotive products, Organisation and management, Developing strategy