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  • 更新时间:2014-02-10
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关键词:绩效考核 绩效考核方式 公正性


ABSTRACT:In the five modules of the corporate human resources management, performance management has the indelible position, and performance appraisal is the protagonist in the performance management. It’s said that the quality of the performance appraisal impacts on the quality of the performance management directly. So far, there are plenty of excellent methods used in major companies, but also with many problems, especially the justice problem of performance appraisal, which the point is the justice of the assessment methods. 

  We discuss the specific impact factors of justice by literature researching、case analysis、analysis of strengths and weaknesses etc. And at the same time, we’ll create a new approach around the fair with the major appraisal methods. Meanwhile, we give the measures to guarantee that the fairness of performance appraisal so as to insure that there is convictive and impartial in Performance management in the future.

  Although, it’s a small step in the area of performance appraisal fairness and have achieved little. We extremely emphasize its importance and possibilities to enhance performance appraisal fairness. Furthermore, we point out a new direction to do performance appraisal fairness research by comprehensive creation.

Keywords: Performance appraisal;Performance appraisal method;Fairness