关键词 投资风险;盈亏平衡分析;敏感性分析;防范措施
Abstract:In response to the housing bubble and financial crisis, since April 2010, the state has successively introduced the six, eight, and fresh five countries and a series of regulatory policies.In 2013, many cities were also introduced corresponding price control targets, and the main goal is to more strictly control the real estate investment demand. This series of actions, directly increase the risk of the real estate enterprise policy, of course also can increase the risk of market demand ,including various aspects.How to survive under countries policies to curb investment demand, realize the healthy development of the enterprise is the question our enterprise must consider. Any investment project has risks. Real estate project risk analysis is becoming more and more important because of the severe environment. This article analyzed the investment risk and feasibility of the real estate project, by using the investment risk decision theory.
In this paper,I analysised the uncertainty and risk of the development project with the profit and loss balance and sensitivity analysis method. From the perspective of macro and micro, this article analysised the kinds and risks of real estate investment project and risk investment cycle etc. Through the analysis I pointed out the risk problems of the project and put forward the concrete measures of risk prevention and control.
Keywords investment risk break-even analysis sensitivity analysis precautionary measure