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[摘要] 进入21世纪以来,在经济全球化的影响下,现代社会变得更加的多样和复杂,促使秘书的角色职能由传统型向外向型、全能型转变。然而当前我国秘书人才培养存在以下缺陷:秘书课程设置不科学;秘书实践环节薄弱;秘书资格的培训工作有待改善;秘书人才的培养无法满足市场需求;秘书任职后,没有一套完整的晋升与评价制度。针对这些缺陷,我们要借鉴德国的“双元制”,面向市场,培养人才,把理论学习与实践相结合;借鉴国际劳工组织提出的MES模式,以社会对人才需求为向导,课程有弹性,有个性,要求“双师型”教师;建立和完善秘书晋升与评价制度。

[关键词] 秘书  缺陷  培养


[Abstract]  Entering twenty-first Century, under the influence of economic globalization, the modern society has become more diverse and complicated, the Secretary's role functions turn from traditional type to extroversion type. However the current training for the secretary talents has the following defects: the secretarial course setting is unscientific; weak in practice; the secretary qualification training work remains to improve; Secretary talents should meet the market demand; have no set of complete promotion and evaluation system. To solve these problems, we should draw lessons from the German "dual system", face the market, talent training, theory study and practice of combining; draw lessons from the International Labor Organization proposed MES model, with the society to talented person demand for the wizard, courses are elastic, personality, called " Double Teachers"; establish and perfect the promotion and evaluation system.

[Key words]  Secretary  Defect  Training