关键词 股利分配政策;房地产行业;上市公司
Abstract:With the gradual improvement of security market, the domestic scholars’ research on the dividend policy is in relation with more and more aspects. The dividend policy, which is a development to the financing and investment policy of listed company, will have special influence upon the emergence of those policies above. In addition, as the significant support and driving force of our economy and social development, the real estate industry has great concerning to the investors and managers’ vital interests.
In this thesis, starting from the theory of dividend distribution policy by scholars throughout the world, taking six Jiangsu listed companies for instance, and combining the characteristics of the real estate industry, I conduct a study of the present situation and the dividend distribution condition and then put forward corresponding optimization development measures under the analysis of its problems. Different from the common situation, the study of listed real estate companies is based on the right region—Jiangsu province.
Keywords Dividend Distribution Policy The Real Estate Industry Listed Comp