关键词 上市公司;投资性房地产;计量模式;公允价值计量
Abstract:With the rapid development of China’s market economy and the transformation of the investment concept, the development of the real estate market is very active. Many enterprises holdings of real estate in addition to used for their own management, the production and business operation activities, and foreign sales, appeared to real estate for generating rent or value-added activities, investment property brought to the attention of the general enterprise, as an important investment way. On February 15,2006,our country has issued a new accounting standard for business enterprises and accounting standards for enterprises no.3:the investment real estate will be separated from fixed asset investment real estate, it separately presented as assets, and will be introduced to the investment real estate fair value measurement method. This paper mainly studies the use of new guidelines for listed companies situation and the influence of fair value to the company; Prudent use of listed companies at this stage the cause of the fair value model and the factors influencing the choice of measurement model of listed companies. This paper pattern for the measurement of the investment real estate related theory, contrast old and new accounting standards, analyses policy factors such as external factors that influence on measurement model selection. Secondly analyzes current situation of the investment real estate measurement model, and finally Join In(Holding) Co.,Ltd in investment real estate metering mode to change the analysis of the balance sheet and income statement.
Keywords listed companies investment property measurement model fair value