摘 要:随着第二次工业革命——“电气时代”的结束,第三次工业革命早已蠢蠢欲动。在科技引领社会发展的现代,什么技术将成为这次革命的主导呢?现阶段的工业发展普遍存在能源消耗大,劳动力需求高,环境污染大等问题,这在很大程度上制约了工业生产。不仅国内,国外亦是如此。再此背景下,工业生产如何达到一个质的飞跃,如何控制生产成本,实现能源及原材料的高效应用,如何实现劳动密集型产业的转变。3D打印机将作为第三次工业革命的催化剂来解决上述问题,这也将是本课题的研究重点。本课题旨在分析3D打印机的发展史、应用现状、存在问题、应用前景、以及产生的社会效益和经济效益。通过与国外现阶段技术的对比分析,了解目前我国3D打印机存在的问题。最后是对3D打印机未来的发展前景加以分析,为未来的商业投资多提供一个方向。
Abstract:As the second industrial revolution ended, the third industrial revolution has already on th way. Now the technology has lead the development of society, which technology will be the pioneer? At this stage, huge energy consumption, huge demand of labor and environment problems are serious problems that can’t be ignored in industrial. What’s worse, these problems has retricted the product of industry at home and abroad. Against this background, how to make qualitative leaps, how to control the cost of production and how to use raw material efficiently and how to help the labor intensive industry transform. 3D printer will be the catalyzer of the third industrial revolution to solve all problems above. And this is the highlight of the study. The purpose of this study is analyzing the 3D printer’s phyloqeny, application status, problems, social benefit and economic benefit. With the compare of other countries, we can know the problems exist in our 3D printer recently. In the end, with the analysis of development of 3D printer, we can provide a new way for business investment.
Keywords: third industrial revolution; 3D printer; labor; energy consumption