摘要: 在企业间竞争日益转化为供应链之间竞争的形势下,采购管理作为供应链管理中的重要组成部分,其地位不容忽视,从中存在的问题如果得不到好的解决,将直接影响企业的发展。本文致力于从多角度发现当前企业采购管理存在的问题,并针对问题提出相应的解决办法。
Abstract: In the competition between enterprises into the competition between supply chains under the situation, the procurement management as an important part of supply chain management, its position can not be ignored, from the problems if not resolved, will directly affect the development of enterprises. This paper is devoted to found the enterprise procurement management from many angles, and put forward the corresponding solution to the problem
Keywords: Purchasing management;Level;Problems;Promote