关键词:沃尔玛 物流配送中心 配送中存在的问题
Abstract: Wal-mart, is an American worldwide chain enterprises, since it entered China in 1996, the "everyday parity" strategy has occupied the Chinese market all the time, and forced the Chinese enterprises to continuously lower their costs. So, what factors make wal-mart can in such a short period of time to open the Chinese market, and pointing to bibcock throne? We have to talk about its powerful ability of logistics distribution. The use of modern logistics technology can reduce logistics cost, and it has become a key in today's retail enterprise profit. Taking wal-mart logistics distribution system as the research object, from four aspects on the discussion to its. First of all, the company profile, and the global development situation, expounds the purpose and significance of the thesis writing; Second, analyze the wal-mart supermarket chain logistics distribution present situation; Then, in-depth analysis of wal-mart problems and reasons existing in the logistics distribution, it analyzes the three major factors influencing the wal-mart in China's development speed: logistics system difficult, difficult to show the efficiency of distribution mode and cost reduction information system difficult to show advantage; Finally, in view of the wal-mart distribution in present work out corresponding solutions and measures: one is according to the growth of the business expansion and new distribution center, the second is to speed up the implementation of logistics outsourcing in order to strengthen the core business, the third is to implement the diversification of distribution mode to improve the efficiency of logistics system, four is to improve shipping information system to speed up the customer response effectively.
Keywords:wal-mart logistics distribution center the problems existing in the distribution