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摘要: 历史文化名城是凝固的历史,具有重大的保护意义与研究价值。然而城市的承载空间是有限的,在城市化的不断加快与经济的迅速发展下,遗产保护与城市建设之间的矛盾愈加凸显。本文以南京老城区为例,通过现场踏勘、文献汇总,运用系统因子评估法,点-线-面相结合地分析探讨该区域内的土地保护对策。最后在延续了老城区原有城市机理的基础上,进行了保护区的划分,并从历史文化、生态环境、社会经济三方面评定了保护区的等级,设定不同的土地利用控制等级,明确不同等级的保护区内土地利用的主要任务,实现文物保护和城市建设的协调发展。

关键词: 历史文化名城  土地保护  可持续发展


Abstract: Historical and cultural city is a concretionary history, having great significance of protection and research value. However, the city's space is limited. Under accelerating urbanization and rapid economic development, the contradiction between the heritage protection and urban reconstruction highlights increasingly. This article takes the old urban of Nanjing as an example, through spot field investigation and documents summarizing, uses systematic factor assessment method, combines points、lines and planes, analysis the land conservation measures in the area. Then divides the conservation districts in base on the lasted sections of the old urban and assessments their levels from history and culture、ecological environment and community economy. Set different levels of land using control and clear the main land using task in different levels of conservation districts to achieve the coordinated development of heritage conservation and urban construction.

Key words: Historical and cultural city; land protection; sustainable development;