摘要: 如今人们的生活离不开高科技。苹果作为品牌中的焦点,众人追捧并模仿。苹果公司(Apple. Inc.)总部在美国加利福尼亚,从1976年成立至今35年,不断创造IT界的传奇。全世界引发苹果热潮。本文从顾客价值导向的角度出发,通过实例和数据的方法挖掘阐述苹果公司的成功背后的奥秘,论证其核心竞争力,得出了创新是永不变更的王道。同时也对我国IT行业的发展前景作出一些预测和建议。
关键词:核心竞争力 苹果 IT 对策
Abstract: Nowadays people can’t live without high technology. As a focus, Apple is chased an imitated by everyone. Apple Inc., which ABP in California, was established in 1976 and have constantly created IT legends for 35 years. The world trigger Apple boom. In the respect of customer value orientation, this paper analyzes the success of Apple and discovers its mystery through the examples and data. It demonstrates that its core competence, the creativity never changes. Meanwhile, based on the conclusion, the paper gives suggestions for the development of IT industry in China.
Keywords: The Core Competence; Apple Inc.; IT; Countermeasures