关键词:电子商务 城市配送物流体系 物流 解决策略
Abstract:With the rapid rise of electronic commerce, electronic business has expanded steadily and fiercely competitive.It also will bring pressure and impact to logistics distribution . Distribution logistics system is incompatible with the development of electronic commerce today is a serious impediment to the development of e-commerce businesses.This paper is to explore precisely how to build a distribution system to adapt to thedevelopment of e-commerce businesses.First, an overview of the overall situation of China's e-commerce and distribution system, and then through electronic business enterprise of some of the specific case to our country electronic commerce environment urban distribution and logistics system present situation analysis of one, summarized the present urban distribution and logistics system of the existing problems and the insufficiency, combined with the electronic commerce environment characteristics of urban distribution and logistics system, and puts forward the strategy to solve the problem.
Keywords:E-commerce ;Distribution logistics system ;Logistics ;Solving strategies