摘 要:现在社会企业面临着随时随地的危机发生,在危机的考验下,企业的临时反应能力就体现了出来。特别是在乳制品行业,它们与百姓的健康息息相关,需要保证乳制品的质量,有着更强烈的社会责任。乳制品企业的品牌是企业生命力的源泉,因此品牌的危机也往往是企业迅速失败的源头,但是还是有解决这种危机的办法,相对于乳制品企业来说讲究沟通、理解、协调的公共关系无疑是这些办法中的佼佼者,它存在于企业的各个环节,是解决品牌危机的重要手段。
关键字:乳制品企业 品牌危机 公共关系 危机公关 公共关系策略
ABSTRACT:Social enterprises are now faced with the crisis at any time, the test of the crisis, the company's ability to reflect the temporary response to it. Especially in the dairy industry, which is closely related with people's health, the need to ensure the quality of dairy products, have a more strong sense of social responsibility. Dairy enterprise brand is the source of vitality, so the brand crisis is often the source of the failure of business quickly, but there are ways to resolve the crisis in, as opposed to dairy enterprises pay attention to communication, understanding, coordinated public relationship is undoubtedly the leader of these approaches, it exists in all aspects of the enterprise is an important means to resolve the crisis brand.
Through public relations, crisis public relations concepts, the actual situation and the crisis for the entire treatment process and the countermeasures at different levels of analysis, to make a more comprehensive conclusion. This total of four parts: Part I - introduction, proposed research background, purpose and meaning; the second part - Review of public relations, crisis public relations, branding the concept of crisis, described relationships, review learning at home and abroad the existing research for this proposition. Part III - Public Relations of the dairy industry on the impact of the crisis mechanism of the brand, the fourth part - describes the use of public relations in times of crisis the current situation and existing problems. Part V - a problem for the authors put forward their own policy views. Part VI - A summary of the full text, and pointed out the deficiencies in the text.
Keywords: Dairy products Brand public relations crisis Public relations crisis Public relations strategies