Abstract:The false coin harms the bank and the customer vital interest in the market distribution, the basic unit bank responsibility is significant. The currency already had the very long history, prevents the false coin circulation to relate financial, the economical, society's stability. Now in our country trading market the false Renminbi circulation reduces, the false foreign currency still existed. Our country Basic unit Bank has some problems in the counter-false coin work, including distinguishes the appliance to be insufficient, the concerned staff examines the paper money technology application question, the people legal awareness is light, propaganda promotion and so on. Because these questions involve the scope broadly, the popular difficulty, therefore solves with difficulty. The suggestion which proposed regarding the existence question includes: The related organizations should the strict dispensing justice laws and regulations, the promoted card class expense, strengthen the populace legal awareness, improvement forgery-proof technology and so on. In order to promote the society harmoniously, the economic boom, our each people have the responsibility to prevent the false currency to circulate in the market.
Key Words:Bank of Basic, Opposes the false Currency, China Merchants Bank