关键词: 旅游业,投融资,韶关,发展,利益协调机制
Abstract:As people’s living standards, to visit the tourist city has become a good choice to relax.This trend is the development of tourism opportunities for the city. The tourism development of the city requires a lot of financial support.Local government is the owner of the local tourism resources, it is the actual beneficiaries. Government investment in the local tourism resources, often to receive immediate results.But tourism is an integrated social and economic system, which involves many benefit entities; The fact that every benefit entity wants the profit as most as possible leads to the development of regional tourism uncoordinatedly. However, with the fast development of regional tourism today, synergic development has been too necessary to be ignored. As a result, based on the analysis of current situations and relative reasons that impede the synergic development of regional tourism. In this paper, the status quo of the local tourism industry to identify problems, and discuss practical issues and analysis, investment and financing strategy for the development of Shaoguan, some comments and suggestions
Key Words:Tourism,Investment and financing,Shaoguan,Development interest synergic mechanism