摘 要:20世纪90年代以来,我国的纺织行业开始高速发展,目前已成为世界上最大的纺织品贸易出口国。尤其是在全球纺织品配额制度取消以后,我国的纺织品出口量特别是在服装领域得到快速发展。但由于08年金融危机对世界经济的冲击,我国纺织品出口总额大幅下降,这在很大程度上影响了我国外贸的发展。在这样的背景下,正确认识当前中国纺织业出口的真实情况,清晰判断金融危机下世界与中国纺织经济的发展趋势及消费需求变化,理性看待企业所遇到的困难,显得尤为重要。为了克服我国在纺织品出口贸易中存在的问题,如品牌竞争力较弱、自主研发、设计能力不强,生产技术与设备落后、出口结构不合理等,出口纺织企业应从自身做起,加大产品创新力度,打造品牌效应,积极推进产业升级。另外政府要在企业升级过程中给与大力支持,在出口政策上为企业打开方便之门,让企业能够顺利转型,渡过难关。
ABSTRACT:Since the 1990s, the rapid development of China's textile industry has become the world's largest exporter of textile trade. Especially in the global textile quota system was abolished later, China's textile exports in particular, the rapid development of garment exports, but since the financial crisis, the total textile exports dropped significantly, largely affected the development of China's foreign trade. In this context, the correct understanding of the current Chinese textile exports true fundamentals, clear judgment of the world financial crisis and the economic development of China's textile trends and changes in consumer demand, rational view of the difficulties being faced by enterprises, it is particularly important . China's textile exports to overcome the existing independent production is not strong, brand competition is weak, backward production technology, issues such as unreasonable structure of exports, we should strengthen the guiding role of the government, the export of textile enterprises should increase product innovation, the implementation of brand strategy to promote industrial upgrading.
Firstly, combined with international and domestic economic situation and China's textile industry to run the actual situation of China's textile exports analyzed the current situation; Second, focusing on the Chinese textile exports after the financial crisis challenges; once again, from the government, the textile industry as well as three aspects of the textile enterprises themselves proposed the development of China's textile export trade recommendations. Finally, the full text summarizing.
Keywords: Textiles; exports; competitiveness; financial crisis