摘 要:在全球化的今天,全球经济趋向一体化,旅游产业也越来越受到世界的瞩目,它在国际服务贸易领域中的地位逐年上升。近几年,旅游服务贸易已成为我国对外经济贸易中的重点建设内容。安徽省拥有丰富的旅游资源,发展旅游产业具有资源比较优势,旅游产业也日渐成为安徽省经济发展中的重要组成部分。因此,发展旅游服务贸易,提高旅游服务贸易的竞争力,对于促进安徽省经济的发展有重要的作用。
ABSTRACT:Along with the development of global economy, touring not only becomes more and more popular but also grows up its important position in the service filed. In recent years, Tourism trade in services, which has an important impact to China’s current broad participation in international economic affairs, is the key construction in China’s foreign trade and economic cooperation. Anhui Province is rich in tourism resources. The development of the tourism industry has the resources comparative advantage, tourism is becoming an important part in the national economy in Anhui Province. Therefore, how to develop and strengthen the tourism service trade plays an important role in Anhui Province’s economic development.
This paper from the domestic tourism, inbound tourism, tourism consumption, and outbound tourism, international tourism competitiveness five aspects discussed Anhui Tourism Development, and explained the tourism service trade has an important position in economic development of Anhui Province. Using SWOT analysis method described strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in Anhui tourism service trade development. Furthermore, combining with empirical analysis method, from the two aspects of domestic foreign discusses the tourism service trade in Anhui Province. Finally, combination of the above analysis, to promote the tourism service trade development, we should improve in some respects, like tourism human resources, tourism traffic, tourism infrastructure, tourism industrial cluster and so on. We are looking forward to further health tourism service trade development in Anhui Province.
Key Words:Anhui Province; Tourism service trade; SWOT analysis; Empirical analysis