关键字:国债期货 最便宜可交割券 套利
Abstract: The unique delivery system and complex basis factors of bond futures both determine that arbitrage opportunities will exist in the market for a long term. When China restarted bond futures, analyzing arbitrage of the new version of bond futures contract will have a very important significance and practical value. Arbitrage space are closely related to their theoretical prices of bond futures, which are determined by Cheapest-to-Deliver bonds. Therefore, discussing the Cheapest-to-Deliver bonds means the foundation that analyze the bond futures arbitrage strategy, especially basis trading. This article briefly describes the history and development of Chinese bond futures market, focuses on the relevant theoretical elements through interpreting arbitrage transactions and infers how to select Cheapest-to-Deliver bonds. Then the article describes particularly the three major arbitrage strategies and Basis trading, and gives a true bond futures contract as samples for quantitative analysis. Finally, it discusses the ways to deal with some situations in the process of arbitrage.
Key words: bond futures Cheapest-to-Deliver bonds arbitrage