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  • 更新时间:2013-11-08
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  • 课题来源:(邻座的怪同学)提供原创文章



关键词 淮剧;传承;保护;困境;建议


Abstract:With a history of more than 200 years, HuaiJu sings the characteristic of yanfu earth amorous feelings. Creation after the founding of new China, HuaiJu adaptation shows a number of influential dramas, emerged to shinohara Wen Yan, He Jiaotian represented by a group of outstanding familiar artists and famous actors for the audience. After the incident in the south of anhui, in the principle of "double hundred" and "two", yancheng ensemble number increase, accelerate the HuaiJu the pace of innovation, modern HuaiJu was born. All of these promote the development of the HuaiJu process, laid the HuaiJu on opera stage in jiangsu province. But because of the economic and cultural globalization, the change of people's life style and thinking mode, HuaiJu inheritance development stage in gradually reduced. In recent years, HuaiJu rescue and protection of the problems gradually caused the attention of people from all walks of life, especially in HuaiJu was included in the non-material cultural heritage protection list, after more brought to the attention of the government and researchers and inheritance. Carefully HuaiJu inheritance present situation survey analysis, however, it is not hard to find HuaiJu development situation is not optimistic, HuaiJu in the process of inheritance development is facing many difficulties, such as impact of foreign culture, lost the original attraction, keep up with the pace of The Times development, inheriting people to reduce, and so on. In a broken case, HuaiJu from research and innovation, and protection of the heritage people aspects, seeking the effective ways to rescue and protect HuaiJu, is important to solve the problem of HuaiJu inheriting the serious situation of the development tasks.

Key words  HuaiJu  Inheritance  Protection  Predicament  advice

