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关键词 《裸婚时代》;大学生;婚恋观;影响


Abstract:College Students' physical and mental development is not yet mature, the outlook on life and value is still in the formative stages, their marriage will naturally by collision with the influence of different social values. TV series "naked marriage age" hit, bring people a lot of reflection and resonance, also had a great influence on College Students' love and marriage. The "naked marriage age" as an example, discusses the "naked marriage" phenomenon is popular and the formation of the social background, and through the questionnaire survey, summed up the "naked marriage age" on the front of their view of marriage and love -- on the influence of the contemporary college students marriage guidance, reminding and warning, and guide students to stand on one's own; the negative effect of College Students' love and marriage view -- let students have a fear of marriage, on the part of students misleading, and status of marriage of contemporary college students conducted a survey found that many contemporary college students, the standard of choosing spouse mainstream positive view of marriage and love, the more autonomy, but also a lot of students have the love motive diversification, love arbitrarily large, treat love the attitude is not careful, view of problems neglected love ethics and responsibility of marriage, it is helpful to detect errors in students' view, in order to actively guide the students to establish a correct outlook on love and marriage.

Keywords  Naked marriage age  College students  Love and marriage view  Influence