[摘要] 《半生缘》是张爱玲的一部极具代表性的悲剧小说,作品讲述了三十年代末温婉、凄迷的旧上海,一群男女青年之间的爱恨纠葛。本文着重分析了曼桢与世钧二人从相识、相恋到相错的悲剧爱情故事,而其中旧社会男权意识的侵袭、女性意识的不完全解放,两人的性格缺陷以及姐姐、姐夫的合谋设计是造成他们之间爱情悲剧的主要因素。这部小说也映射了作家个人人生理想的破灭。指出女性唯有真正的独立,才不会重蹈曼桢与世钧一样的悲剧。
[关键词] 张爱玲;《半生缘》;爱情悲剧
[Abstract] "Eighteen Springs" is a highly representative tragic stories of Eileen Chang's.It is about the late thirties Shanghai,a group of young men and women between the love-hate. This paper analyzes the tragic love story about Man Zhen and Shi Jun who brought it from strangers, fell in love and miss, of which the old society, the invasion of male consciousness, unconsciousness liberation of women, the two character defects and sister, brother’s conspiracy.All of these cause their tragic love.The novel also mirrors the writer's personal life becoming disillusionment.It Pointed out that the only truly independent of women, we will not repeat the same tragedy as Manzhen and Shijun.
[Keywords] Eileen Chang ; Eighteen Springs; Love Tragedy