[摘要] 朱自清散文具有诗意美、女性美、忧郁美,是白话文之典范。散文的诗意美也就是所说的在作品中创造了诗的意境,朱自清散文尤以诗意美见长。所谓的文学上的女性美,就是具有女性的温柔典雅,不是浓妆艳抹,猛烈倾泻,而是线条优美,娓娓道来,含蓄朦胧,给人以想象空间的美,在朱自清散文里,女性美即是如此。朱自清散文总弥漫着忧郁美的气息,并且也是白话文的典范,创造出谈话风的艺术风格。余光中针对其诗意美,女性美,忧郁美,白话文典范都提出了质疑,本文通过对余光中的质疑进行反驳,展现朱自清散文的清淡优雅,诗意朦胧的美感。
[关键词] 朱自清 散文 余光中 风格
[Abstract] Zhu ziqing prose poetic beauty, female beauty, melancholy beauty, is the model of vernacular. Prose of poetic beauty is also known in works of the artistic conception created poetry, prose especially in zhu ziqing poetic beauty articles. So-called literary female beauty, is tender and elegant, not women drowning, violent, but the graceful pouring, explain, reservation is hazy, give a person with imaginary space in the beauty, and zhu ziqing prose is so female beauty namely. Zhu ziqing total reeks of melancholy beauty prose, and also the vernacular, the breath, creating a conversation model wind art style. Peotry according to its poetic beauty, female beauty, melancholy beauty, vernacular, model, this paper put forward the question by questioned peotry defends, show the elegant prose, zhu ziqing delicate poetic hazy aesthetic feeling.
[Key words] Zhuziqing Prose Yuguangzhong Style
朱自清作为一代文学大师,其散文经典作品《背影》、《荷塘月色》等一直广为传颂。1992年《名著欣赏》刊登了余光中先生的文章《论朱自清散文》,从朱自清散文语言形式以及风格都作了批判。余光中先生在此文说:“朱自清散文有朴素忠厚平淡本色,但缺少风华,幽默和丰腴,所以谈不上富有诗意,甚至谈不上是个优秀诗人”。“并且朱自清散文的滑稽与矛盾就在这里:满纸取喻不是舞女便是歌姝,一旦面临实际的歌妓,却又手足无措。足见众多女性的意象,不是机械化的美感反应,便是压抑了的欲望之浮现”。 [5]最后他列举了原文中的14处譬喻,认为大都浮泛,轻易,阴柔,在想象上都不出色,实在难以为白话文先锋作家。本文主要从余光中的批评谈起,在辩驳过程中论述朱自清散文的风格特点以及自己对散文的理解。